
Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Ms. Taglioni you are one of the few artists that I truly respect because not many artists would follow through with that kinda of training and have that much dedication to their love of what they do for a living! And I appreciate all that you went through with your father and the training because training really begins to wear you out and really take its toll on yourself physically and emotionally! I don't know how you could even deal with your father pushing, and pushing you to the point where you couldn't even walk! I have an unlimited amount of respect for you and the art that you love to perform!

  2. why Ms. Taglioni! I think your pasion for dance is tremendas, I wish i could have some talent such as yours and inspire great Europe as you did. A great friend of mine,has seen some of your shows..and he was speechless,to say the least. Maybe one ay one of my lightbulbs will be in the same theatre as you!

  3. Ms. Tyaglioni, I am sure your work is wonderful. Haveing such a talent. A talent for perfromance is wonderful. I could never undersand why perfromance was so inportant. But you I am sure are wonderful.


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